Swiss Medica
Swiss Medica
It's been described as a "game changer" for Multiple Sclerosis patients.
The breakthrough strategy of multiple sclerosis treatment.
Learn how to battle the disease and improve your symptoms today.

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United Kingdom
Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
I've got my life back. And now I am 100% better than I was this time last year.
I can walk my son to school. I can take part in extracurricular activities, I can cook meals, load the dishwasher, reload the dishwasher, do the washing. I can do things that I couldn't do. Now I'm swimming 22 lengths twice a week. I just feel brilliant and I'm so excited. I feel I can be excited about my future, our future
I feel significant improvement. It has changed my life.
I had to hold on to the handrail and literally pull my self up. Now I can walk. I no longer need an ankle brace and walking stick. I go to the gym 3 times a week.
Mobility improved. Bowel and urinary disappeared
United Kingdom
Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Shaun Lawrence
"I feel like I'm 50 years old again. I'm 80% better from my admission"
"I am a full time mommy again.
I am almost a full time wife again"
Success stories
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Take this 30 second quiz and find out what results you could achieve.
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What type of MS do you have?
How long have you suffered with Multiple Sclerosis?
Please assess your present MS symptoms by checking the list
Do you know your level of your disability according to EDSS?
What past treatments have you had?
United Kingdom
"People have asked me, they quite surprised that I'm in the gym for five days a week"
It was really good to go out salmon fishing with a good friend of mine that's living out there. And for just for me to fish and tie a hook to nylon and go fishing was a step in the right direction.
I was able to hold conversations. I was able to go into a room and put my 5 pennies worth conversation into a debate way before that I was unable to. My eye had cleared up, strhenghts and walking improved.
United Kingdom
"We brought him to a clinic in a wheelchair. And now I have just spent the day playing golf with my 30 year old son Ben". Father of the Benjamin
I'm happy with not having any symptoms and living life like a normal person now able to do "normal" things again.
My walking's improved considerably. I even started jogging on the treadmill. When you've been walking with a stick for 2 to 3 years feeling like you're 70 years old. I'm more active now, should I say. And I can do things like walk the dog twice a day. I've got to go swimming again, which I wasn't able to do. I'm going to the gym. My feet still tingle but a lot less. I've been driving and it's been so much easier
My cognitive function's better. My concentration is improved a lot. I'm not stumbling over my words and able to keep convosations without forgetting. And my right arm doesn't get lazy anymore, which is great. I can grab things and hold them.
What you will learn:
1. What the treatment involves
2. How and why it works
3. Its effectiveness
4. Associated risks
5. Costs
"The breakthrough strategy of multiple sclerosis treatment. How to battle the diseases and improve your symptoms"
The webinar starts today. It will last 30 minutes approximately. In case you're not able to visit today, please check the appropriate schedule for you
Join our 30 minutes free webinar to learn more!
© 2011-2018 — "Swiss Medica"
+41 43 508 55 25

St. Galler strasse, 23/25,
9403 Goldach, Switzerland
Branches: Moscow, Serbia, Austria
Find out more about the treatment!
You will learn about:
1. What the treatment involves
2. How and why it works